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How to Pray





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How to Pray(圖1)-速報App

According to the bible “Men ought always to pray” that means God wants us to pray always to tell him about our needs. But there are the techniques for everything, even prayers. Although emanating from your heart and your soul can be more refined to produce better results with some techniques that may verbalize your requests to god.

Prayer is an indication that is your relationship with your heavenly father is good. There are some major things that you need to consider before start your praying. The Holy Spirit will tell you when something is not right with you and it is up to you to turn back. No man on this earth is perfect and we have to ask God for his grace.

Be specific

How to Pray(圖2)-速報App

Being specific and lets the god knows what you are exactly requesting for.

Pray with simplicity

To make God to hear your words, you don’t need to use persuasive words or don’t need to pray passionately, but yes pray from the bottom of your heart. You can talk to God just like you are talking with your friend. You don’t need to pray so long. God delights generally in your simple verse. He treasures only the anguished prayers in the simplest words.

How to Pray(圖3)-速報App

Know the God’s verse

Have you experienced ever a one-sided conversation with a person who continuously talked with you without listening to a single word from you? This type of conversation never goes very far. We do exactly same to God. It is better to read the Bible or any book that a written verse of your God, like Koran, Gita etc. This is the eternal letter of wisdom and love of your God to every person on the planet. Reading those Scriptures may help you to know your God and that will surely bring light and life to your prayers.

Make your prayer multi-sensory and very active

How to Pray(圖4)-速報App

Prayer is not your mental exercise. We are made by God as creative beings, so it is also important to enlighten our prayer with same creativity. Lighting up good fragrant candles or listening to the light music while prayer is quite helpful to bring life to our prayer. Even you can pray while you are drawing, doodling or painting. It is not always necessary that you need to sit properly, quietly for prayer. You can pray when you are walking alone on a road or spending quality time with your little angel.

Make your prayer an integral part

It is better to start your day with prayer and also end that day with a prayer. You can go for short prayers whenever you get time in a day. Ask for the help of God for your regular work. When you are in trouble, describe and ask God for a way out of any time. You can also ask for family health and goodness while you are spending quality time with family. Pray for your closed ones, if they are in trouble or their wellbeing anytime. You can pray to God at any moment of your life and can say simple thanks to God whenever you feel to say it from your heart.

How to Pray(圖5)-速報App

Here is a Preview of What You'll Learn:

• How to Pray

How to Pray(圖6)-速報App

• Practical Tips

• Overlooked Truths about Prayer that Will Change How You Pray

• Why Prayer is So Hard and 3 Ways to Get Better at It

How to Pray(圖7)-速報App

• What Is the Correct Way to Pray?

• Bible Verses about Prayer & Praying

• How to Pray the Lord's Prayer

How to Pray(圖8)-速報App

• How to Pray to Jesus

• How to Pray the Rosary

• How to Say a Buddhist Prayer

How to Pray(圖9)-速報App

• Much, much more…

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